100 AADK volunteers carry out flood relief mission in Kelantan, Terengganu
Alliance Bank launches a flood relief programme for customers in Sabah, Sarawak
Courier company sent a food-laden container to help the flood-affected in Kedah
Exact number of vehicles swept away has yet to be obtained
Flash Flood: Five Vehicles Stranded in Petaling Jaya
Flood in Perak: One PPS opens
Flood: 40 victims still at PPS in Johor, Pahang
Flooding: MADA monitors the water levels in the Muda area
Floods fully recedes in Pahang
Floods in Kelantan almost recovered, only three PPS remain open
Floods: Government focusing on recovery efforts
Floods: MOHE gives universities flexibility to conduct online learning
Floods: Number of evacuees in Kelantan continues to rise
Government preparedness in disaster management supported by university research
JBPM Kelantan on stand by for the second wave of floods
Kelantan floods: The number of affected residents has increased
Kemaman is expected to flood again
Kota Tinggi JBPM prepared to deploy 70 personnel, 10 rescue boats to assist in flood
KPM ensures that student learning at PPS is not affected
MCMC prepared to face the challenges in telecommunications coverage
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