100 AADK volunteers carry out flood relief mission in Kelantan, Terengganu
Ahmad Zahid is satisfied with the flood disaster management in Sarawak, Sabah
Alliance Bank launches a flood relief programme for customers in Sabah, Sarawak
Courier company sent a food-laden container to help the flood-affected in Kedah
Exact number of vehicles swept away has yet to be obtained
Flash Flood: Five Vehicles Stranded in Petaling Jaya
Flood in Perak: One PPS opens
Flood: 40 victims still at PPS in Johor, Pahang
Flooding: MADA monitors the water levels in the Muda area
Floods fully recedes in Pahang
Floods in Kelantan almost recovered, only three PPS remain open
Floods: Affected residents in Sabah remain at 350 this morning
Floods: Government focusing on recovery efforts
Floods: MOHE gives universities flexibility to conduct online learning
Floods: Number of affected residents in Sarawak and Sabah unchanged
Floods: Number of evacuees in Kelantan continues to rise
Government preparedness in disaster management supported by university research
JBPM Kelantan on stand by for the second wave of floods
Kelantan floods: The number of affected residents has increased
Kemaman is expected to flood again
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