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Tabung Haji Reports Outstanding Dividend Return of 3.25% for 2024, the Highest in Seven Years


KUALA LUMPUR, March 21 - The ability of Tabung Haji (TH) to provide better dividend returns for the year 2024 compared to the previous year is an outstanding and commendable achievement.

Economic Analyst from UniKL Business School, Associate Professor Dr. Aimi Zulhazmi Abdul Rashid, stated that this takes into account its different savings structure compared to other investment fund management by government-linked investment companies (GLIC).

Moreover, TH cannot be equated with Khazanah Nasional Berhad (Khazanah), the Employees Provident Fund (KWSP), the Retirement Fund (Incorporated) (KWAP), and Permodalan Nasional Berhad (PNB).

TH does not focus solely on investment; considering it is an institution entrusted with saving the cash of Malaysians for the purpose of fulfilling the fifth pillar of Islam.

"It is estimated that its primary focus is to provide sufficient funds for pilgrims, and investments on these pilgrims' savings also greatly assist in further increasing their savings.

"TH savings provide dividends after deducting zakat on savings and zakat on profits. This does not occur in other fund management.

"Thus, here, Muslims at the same time are fulfilling the fifth pillar of Islam while also meeting the fourth pillar, which is to pay zakat.

Earlier, TH announced a post-zakat profit distribution of 3.25 percent for the financial year 2024, the highest rate in the past seven years since 2018.