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Speed ​​limits on the country's main highways remain in place

Minister of Public Works, Datuk Sri Alexander Nanta Linggi/RTM

KUALA LUMPUR, 30 July - The government does not plan to increase the speed limit on the country’s main highways as it is enough, said Minister of Works Datuk Sri Alexander Nanta Linggi.

He said, at this moment the set speed limit is 110 kilometer (km) per hour for highways between towns whereas 80 to 90 km per hour for highways in town. Clearly, the speed limit suits the driving in the country.

"So every highway route is shown with speed signs as declared which drivers must obey.

"The geometry of the highway is designed based on a speed limit of 120 km or 100 km per hour with the gazetted speed limit being a lower 110 to 80 km per hour, as the guidelines used are in line with international standards," said Nanta.

He answered a question raised by a Member of the National Assembly, Senator Monalan Mohamad in Parliament.

Nanta also informed that the increase in the number of vehicles also leads to the cause of congestion until it exceeds the designed capacity, especially during peak times or during the festive season.
