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Public urged to stop sharing video of child molestation case in Batang Kali Mosque

Nancy Shukri

IPOH, February 26- Social media users are urged to stop spreading and sharing the video of the molestation victim at the Batang Kali mosque, Hulu Selangor on February 21st.

Women, Family, and Community Development Minister Datuk Seri Nancy Shukri said this was because such action is considered inappropriate as the victim, who was a girl, is protected under the Child Act 2001.

"We hope this will not happen again. But these days even though we believe it doesn't happen anymore, it still happens. I urge those who were at the scene not to share the video, as the victim is already traumatised by the incident," said Nancy.

She was speaking to reporters at the International Women's Day Celebration for the northern zone level, here.

With respect to the case, she said that her ministry is ready to work with the Royal Malaysian Police (PDRM) to help with the case, including giving views especially on issues related to the welfare of the victim and her family.

She added that the mosque needs to tighten their security so that the same incident does not happen again, particularly in the run-up to Ramadan when Muslims will be performing Terawih prayers.