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MOH ensures hospitals are prepared to deal with increase in cases during Aidilfitri season

Photo by RTM

SERDANG, March 27 – The Ministry of Health Malaysia (MOH) through its Minister, Datuk Seri Dr Dzulkefly Ahmad, inspected the preparedness of hospitals in the face of an increase in health cases in conjunction with Hari Raya Aidilfitri.

The visit was held at the Sultan Idris Shah Hospital (HSIS), Serdang, to ensure that emergency services are ready to deal with any eventuality, including road accidents and other incidents that usually increase during the festive season.

According to Dr Dzulkefly, the preparedness of hospitals, especially the Emergency Department, is very important in facing a surge in patients.

"I inspected the hospital preparations, and I saw that they are in a state of readiness. The Director-General of Health also informed that 10 major specialist hospitals in Selangor are fully prepared. I also had the opportunity to meet staff and patients a moment ago," he said.

The visit also focused on the Smart Bed Monitoring System (SBMSys), which was developed to improve hospital bed management more efficiently and effectively.

"The Bed Management Unit (BMU) plays an important role in ensuring more efficient bed utilization. I noticed that the efficiency of this system has helped to cope with the increase in patients, especially in units such as cardiology which currently record an admission rate of almost 90 percent," he said.

During the visit, he also interacted with hospital staff and patients, besides presenting sahur packs to staff on duty in the morning.