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JPNIN Perlis organised Sembang Santai Merdeka Community Programme

RTM Photo Perlis

KANGAR, August 28 - The Department of National Unity and National Integration (JPNIN) for Perlis has implemented the Sembang Santai Merdeka Community Programme to provide exposure and deliver information related to current issues in the state.

The programme involves the sharing of information from the Royal Malaysian Police (PDRM) on the threat of terrorism as well as the Department of Survey and Mapping Malaysia (JUPEM) which shares information on the MyKiblat application.

The Perlis director of JPNIN, Hanita Ahmad said the programme aims to convey accurate and authentic information to the local community so that it can be used as a guide on current issues.

"This Sembang Santai programme is also a medium to strengthen unity among residents. In conjunction with the National Independence celebration, this programme also gives participants the opportunity to share their experiences with military veterans," she said.

She said this at the Sembang Santai Merdeka Community Programme which took place at the Behor Lateh Residence Hall, Kayang, here.

Hanita added that various other programmes with the community will be implemented ahead of the celebration of National Day and Malaysia Day, both by JPNIN and the community, in an effort to ignite the spirit of Merdeka.
