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Jelajah Ramadan 2025: Terengganu thrives, Kelantan next destination


KUALA TERENGGANU, March 9- Themed "Give What You Can, Share Sincerely", the 13th edition of the Jelajah Ramadan 2025 programme has traveled to six states.

Terengganu was the fifth state to host the event yesterday before moving on to Kelantan today.

The Deputy Director-General of Strategic Broadcasting at the Malaysian Broadcasting Department, Nasaruddin Abdul Muttalib, stated that the program began in Sabah on March 1 and will conclude in Melaka on March 20.

Overall, the program has run smoothly and received a warm welcome at the selected locations.

"I see this year as more vibrant compared to previous years due to increased participation from sponsors who are also joining this program, and we are able to diversify the program further.

"For example, yesterday we received contributions from BABAS for iftar meals that we distributed in Gong Badak, and other sponsors have enabled us to create special programs for those participating in the Ramadan Tour," he said.

He was met after the program with staff from the Terengganu Broadcasting Department at Bukit Pak April in Kuala Terengganu.

During the nearly three-hour visit, he also participated in a question-and-answer session that included the Director of the Terengganu Broadcasting Department, Sabri Mansor.