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Healing or actually lost?

Illustration photo/AFP

The word healing is no longer foreign in the community, especially among youngsters. Healing itself is a word that means "the process of making or becoming sound or healthy again" and which can be given the meaning of healing, or something that leads to healing or recovery.

Humans are social creatures that interact with other people every day. The more often you interact with other people, the more information you will receive.

In fact, often the information causes positive or negative emotions. When a person feels positive or negative emotions, it can bring changes both physically and psychologically.

This is due to multimedia technology only at the fingertips and becoming a trend for users, especially teenagers. Many of them like to display pictures or videos in some places such as clubs, concerts with the caption healing. Can the situation really be interpreted as healing, or have they actually disappeared?

Healing as defined is self-healing whether physical or mental. If seen from a physical aspect, the meaning of healing can be said to be a process of a person resting to recover from an injury.

For example, soft tissue injuries such as contusions (bruises), sprains and so on. The way to recover is through rest, surgery and the like. Because of this, pain in the physical part can be treated immediately and only needs a little time to go through the repair process.

From a mental point of view, there are various ways that can be used as a healing process. Among them doing social activities in a healthy way, recreation, sports or similar.

However, there is a group of people who heal by contradicting the Islamic sharia such as not having good manners, drinking alcohol, using drugs, socializing without limits until the occurrence of adultery and so on.

Islam strongly emphasizes the element of effort in curing a disease, including healing, but it must be done in the right way or method and in accordance with the prescribed Sharia.

One should avoid practicing healing with methods that offer no benefit and contradict religious principles. Engaging in such vile practices ultimately undermines the effectiveness of healing efforts, becoming damaged and harmful to oneself and society.

Worse, the treatment actually made them more restless and kept them away from the peace they were looking for.

Actually, Islam has taught us various methods for healing and calming the mind. Among them is praying solemnly or with full awareness; done only solely for Allah SWT.

Through this method as well, the essence of the relationship between the servant and the creator can be achieved through three important elements which are spiritual, mental and physical, and finally give birth to real peace and tranquility in oneself.

Allah SWT has said in surah al-Ankabut verse 45 meaning; "Perform prayer; Indeed, prayer prevents (deeds) vile and evil".

Next, the call to always remember Allah SWT through the practice of dhikr as food for the soul (spiritual). The next word of Allah SWT in surah al-Ra'd verse 28 which means, "Those who believe and their hearts become peaceful by remembering Allah, Remember, only by remembering Allah does the heart become peaceful".

The verse clearly shows Allah’s promise when someone who returns to Him will be blessed with a sense of tranquility and peace.

Apart from that, we can also choose to do healing through self-therapy with nature. Nature therapy can make an individual appreciate every creature created by Allah; each has its own function and uniqueness.

The nature of Allah’s creation, which is decorated with mountains, green trees, vast oceans with many types of fish and plants, is indeed capable of self-realization. This is because it makes us realize that this self is just one of the creations of thousands, millions, even infinity, of His creatures.

This should be able to create a sense of gratitude for all the blessings granted upon us. The expression of gratitude involves demonstrating appreciation and acknowledging the giver through both words and heartfelt actions.

In our efforts to achieve good health, we should always pray and ask for help from Him and make the path of religion as a solution in solving the problems that arise in life.

Islam encourages a holistic approach in healing; includes spiritual and physical aspects including maintaining a healthy diet, exercising regularly, getting enough rest and keeping oneself and the environment clean.

Therefore, in our pursuit of good health, we must avoid practices that ultimately lead to our lost.

AUTHOR AMIR SYAZWAN ABDUL SAMAD, DR. SHARIFAH BASIRAH SYED MUHSIN, Department of Islamic Faith and Thought, Academy of Islamic Studies Universiti Malaya, can be contacted via Alamat emel ini dilindungi dari Spambot. Anda perlu hidupkan JavaScript untuk melihatnya..

This article is translated from the original Malay article. It is the author's personal view and does not necessarily represent the view or official position of RTM.
