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The Leader's Role Creates A Sense of Psychological Security, Driving Organizational Productivity

Productivity in the workplace is the main focus of every employer/ illustration photo

Productivity in the workplace is the main focus of every employer. Many studies have investigated factors contributing to enhanced productivity, particularly in the work environment post-COVID-19.

One of the factors identified is a sense of safety while working knowned as 'Psychological Safety'.

Feeling safe psychologically is something to be establish everywhere including in your home, shopping area and working place.

What is Psychological Safety in the workplace?

It is the belief that as an employee, you will not be punished, shamed or humiliated just for talking about different ideas from the boss or questioning the views given by other colleagues. It is also a feeling of safety from worrying if you make a mistake.

In a work context, being in a team requires each member to understand that they can voice out their opinions, disagree with others ideas and express those feelings professionally, they are also aware that they will not be reprimanded because of their different views. This is where leaders come in.

As leaders, they need to understand what psychological safety of employees means, how it has a positive impact on employees and what is the best way to improve that atmosphere in the organization. Leaders can build psychological safety by creating the right climate and mindset and behavior in their team.

Based on the experience of several organizations such as McKensy, leaders who are able to create a safe ecosystem not only act as catalysts, they also empower and produce other leaders in the team.

Such leaders, although they do not have total power, they can be a trigger in helping to foster a psychologically safe atmosphere in the workplace.

The approach taken is to make themselves a model to be an example and reinforce the behavior they expect from the whole team by giving praise, recognition and so on (according to the creativity of the leader) to maintain the existing momentum.

Leaders who are trained holistically and understand the significance of creating a safe workplace environment recognize that fostering a positive team climate and ensuring psychological safety are paramount.

There are three things that can be made to reveals this atmosphere , firstly, leaders must show a good attitude that supports the ideas, critical thinking and constructive differences of opinion.

Second, leaders who open space for negotiation. This atmosphere is necessary to alleviate dissatisfaction or minimize conflict between employers and employees or employees and employees and the third challenge their team members to do their best.

Research findings related to successful organizations show that organizations that invest in leadership development are more likely to report having a positive work ecosystem as well as increased productivity.

From these findings, it is clear that investing in leadership training to create a holistically safe ecosystem is an important investment that should be taken seriously by all employers.

This is because, if employees feel comfortable asking for help, sharing suggestions, or challenging the status quo without fear of consequences, organizations are more likely to make changes quickly, accommodate for diversity in the context of work effects and new ideas and able to adapt well to change.

All this features is a skill that only get to grow when the existence of psychological safety in the workplace.

Other factors such as infrastructure in workplace,appropriate work load, prestige salary and matching initiative also plays in giving stimulus for employees to be a more productive employee.

However, the impact that can be produced from the psychological safety felt by employees is something that cannot be ruled out because it can have a positive impact on work productivity.

Two crucial and necessary outcomes include cultivating a positive mindset and fostering appropriate behavior. These elements form the foundation of a healthy work environment essential for any organization, yet many are still searching for the optimal method to instill these qualities in their employees.

There are five steps that can be taken to foster psychological safety in the workplace:

1. Create a culture of open and respectful communication.
2. Be transparent to build trust.
3. Set clear expectations.
4. Change the way you think about failure and mistakes by making them both opportunities for learning and career development.
5. Take a supportive approach and negotiate between the two parties; employer and employee.

Thus, when every employee feels psychologically safe within their organization and perceives that their hard work is valued, they are empowered to produce creative, innovative, and productive outcomes.

This environment can also be fostered by leaders in various contexts, whether in households or nations, to ensure a conducive ecosystem that cultivates creative, innovative, and productive individuals. 

AUTHOR PROFESSOR DR. HASLINDA ABDULLAH is the Director at the Institute of Social Science Studies (IPSAS), UPM and can be contacted via 019-3762293 or email to Alamat emel ini dilindungi dari Spambot. Anda perlu hidupkan JavaScript untuk melihatnya.

This article is translated from the original Malay article. It is the author's personal view and does not necessarily represent the official view or position of RTM.
