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Civil servants’ salary adjustments to be implemented in phases

Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim

PUTRAJAYA, August 16 - Starting December, civil servants for the Executive and Professional Management Groups will receive a new salary adjustment with a total of 15% increase in their current base salary, while the Senior Management Group will receive a 7% increase.

This much anticipated news by over 1.6 million civil servants was announced by Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim at the 19th Majlis Amanat Perdana Menteri Perkhidmatan Awam (MAPPA) at the Plenary Hall of the Putrajaya International Convention Centre (PICC).

“This is a bold move because the Chief Secretary and his colleagues will receive a 7% increase, while those below will receive between 15% and 42%,” Anwar said in his speech at the MAPPA themed 'Perkhidmatan Awam Madani'.

However, according to the Prime Minister, taking into account the country’s challenging economic position, the implementation of the salary adjustment will be carried out in phases and will only apply to officers who have opted for the Public Service Remuneration System Study (SPPA).

“This means that on December 1, 2024, for Phase 1; and on January 1, 2026, for Phase 2, but we will implement this in phases to avoid inflationary pressures. If it goes up then there is inflationary pressure, real income will decrease,” the Prime Minister explained.

For the Executive Group officers and Management and Professional Group officers, the salary adjustment would be 8% for the first phase and 7% for the second phase. For the Senior Management Group (KPT) the salary adjustment is 4% for the first phase and 3% for phase two,

Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim added current serving civil servants will have their salaries adjusted in December 2024, pension adjustments will also be made based on the adjustment to the final salary of retirees.

The total range of income increases that civil servants will receive is between 16.8% and 42.7%, taking into account the double interest.

“For example, a Wildlife Assistant, Grade G11, with a monthly income of RM1,795.00 on November 30, 2024, will receive a monthly income of RM2,115.00 starting December 2024 based on the Phase 1 salary adjustment. During the Phase 2 salary adjustment on January 1, 2026, they will receive an adjustment of 7%, bringing the total monthly income for Phase 2 to RM2,327.00,” said Anwar.

In terms of optimising resources and increasing productivity, the government has agreed to increase the minimum entry qualification into the civil service to the Malaysian Certificate of Education (SPM) or equivalent.

Anwar said that, in line with the increase in appointment requirements, the existing workload and complexity of tasks will be increased and enhanced.

This will encourage multi-tasking and multi-skilling among officers as a return to the government, and the use of public human resources service can be optimised.

"Service schemes with irrelevant, overlapping, and isolated service functions will be transferred to other service schemes. We have inherited this for 60 years, sometimes we continue to maintain departments that are no longer relevant.

"Dozens of agencies have similar schemes, for example, locomotive drivers, hostel managers, wireless operators, and makeup artists, apart from TV, which are still maintained in positions. So this must be standardised, it doesn't mean that existing officers are eliminated, but that there is no wastage," the Prime Minister added.

He said the government will also standardise and reclassify job grades comprehensively based on the current needs of the civil service.
