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Study of overlapping structure, functions of ministries and agencies is being carried out

More than 10,000 civil servants from all over the country attended the 19th Majlis Amanat Perdana Perkhidmatan Awam (MAPPA) at the Putrajaya International Convention Center

PUTRAJAYA, August 16 - The government is carrying out a study of overlapping structure and functions of ministries and agencies, focusing on two key areas which are Entrepreneurship and National Security that is expected to be completed by July 2025.

Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim said the matter aligns with the Twelfth Malaysia Plan (12MP) aspirations.

As an example, the government has succeeded in implementing the reconstruction involving government agencies such as merging the Civil Aviation Authority of Malaysia and Malaysian Aviation Commission without incurring additional costs.

“For instance, the Malaysia Border Control and Protection Agency which involves the takeover of functions from related agencies at the country's entry points like the Immigration Department and Customs Department, did not involve the addition of new staff but rather a transfer based on new duties," said Anwar.

Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim made this remarks during his speech at the 19th Majlis Amanat Perdana Perkhidmatan Awam (MAPPA), here.

Anwar also urged the Public Service Department (JPA) to conduct a comprehensive staffing audit to identify potential imbalances in staffing across all ministries and agencies.

The government will also implement the Rationalisation of Overseas Offices and Representatives of Malaysian Government Agencies, effective January 1, 2025.
