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Act 852: How its enforcement helps to curb vaping among teenagers

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KUALA LUMPUR, Jan 29- A 16-year old girl in Selangor who died in 2023 from a heart failure following a three-year vaping history, and a 16-year-old boy in Terengganu who collapsed after using an e-cigarette device last year, are some of the devastating stories that have emerged from the underage use of vape products.

The enforcement of the Control of Smoking Products for Public Health Act 2024 (Act 852) on October 1st last year, gave some breathing room, so to speak, of the much-needed regulations in the rampant use of e-cigarettes.

With vape use becoming more prevalent among teenagers, this enforcement is as timely as it is necessary. RTM’s Mas Elizawati spoke to Associate Professor Dr. Norzarina Mohd Zaharim from School of Social Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia to shed light on other approaches the government could undertake to gradually stop the unrestrained use of vape products among minors.

Dr. Norzarina advocates for stronger rules vis-à-vis vape specialty and online stores, stricter packaging and advertising guidelines for vape items, educating both children and parents through events, various services to help children quit.

"Schools and clinics can offer free phone hotlines, counseling, and quitting aids. Teens who have successfully quit can share their stories and support others trying to stop," she said.

Last but not least, she believes in implementing research and rewards to see lasting results.

"Researchers can track how many teens vape and what types of products they use. This information helps improve laws. Shops that follow the rules could be rewarded with special recognition or benefits," she added.

While there is no nationwide ban on e-cigarettes, state governments have the leeway to ban the sale of vape items through their local authorities. That's precisely what Johor has done since 2016: ban the use and sale of vaping products. Dr. Norzarina lauded this move, but cautioned that a full ban has both benefits and challenges.

Among the benefits are the lack of accessibility, imparting a strong health message, and setting an example for other states to follow suit. In fact, Terengganu had late last year announced that it would no longer renew the business licenses for the sale of e-cigarettes.

Apart from illegal sales and haphazard enforcement, other challenges of a full ban are teen belief.

"Many teenagers think vaping is less harmful than smoking. A ban alone may not change this idea, so extra education is needed,"

Most importantly, the lack of a bigger plan can actually lessen, or even reverse, the impact of a full ban.

"Experts say a ban works best as part of a bigger strategy that includes teaching about health risks, involving families, and helping teens who are already addicted," Dr. Norzarina explained.

The enforcement of Act 852 has managed to allay the fear among caregivers on the uncontrolled access of vaping products to teenagers. However, enforcement must come equipped with educating minors and offering help when they want to quit. If not, all the regulations that are already in place will be futile.