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Unity, the key to national harmony

Illustrative photo/Bernama

KUALA LUMPUR, March 14- Unity... It is important irrespective of religion, race, and skin color. Unity is crucial in the development of a nation, whether it is developed, developing, or underdeveloped. It is the key to achieving harmony and prosperity within a society.

Without unity, a nation will be destroyed by endless conflict and bloodshed. Much like the 13 May, 1969 incident -- a tragic racial riot which reflected the height of unity problems in Malaysia at the time.

Throughout the history of human civilization, there have been great, mighty, and civilized nations that have fallen. All because of the manipulation of racial and religious fanaticism.
Consider the Ottoman and Abbasid empires, which collapsed as a result of internal fragmentation.

Recently, the unity within our nation was tested once more. The issue became increasingly larger when it was repeatedly sensationalized across various platforms, especially social media.

Uninformed netizens joined the fray, exacerbating the dispute... And political leaders, did not refrain from capitalizing on this issue, adding fuel to the fire, further heightening tensions.

During such times, it's best to heed the decree of the Sultan of Pahang, Al-Sultan Abdullah Ri'ayatuddin Al-Mustafa Billah Shah, who wants leaders, especially politicians, to be bridges of unity, uniting the people. Not instigators who ignite fires that burn long-established harmonious relationships.

His Majesty decreed that history proved racial and religious disputes, if not handled wisely, can lead to catastrophe.

Therefore, engage in dialogue, use reason and heart, not monologue with slander and hatred.

Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, firmly acknowledged that harmony in the country can be threatened if 3R issues are played up. Instead, all citizens should firmly embrace the principles of the Rukun Negara as the foundation of unity that must be internalized and practiced.

The people are also invited to become agents of unity to help the Madani government unite all citizens regardless of background. Becoming agents of unity requires us to stop being instigators who fuel any issue. By contrast, be peacemakers who ease tensions.

Now as part of efforts to address these issues, the Ministry of Communications has established a task force to combat fake news and 3R.

From 2022 to 1 March, 2025, over 10,000 fake accounts, including 130 defamatory content on social media, were taken down by service providers.

Regarding 3R issues, nearly 7,000 offensive content items were subjected to takedown actions. 196 cases were investigated, with nine of them charged by the Attorney General's Chambers.

The data revealed shows how serious the problem of slander, spreading fake and offensive news in the country is, especially on social media.

Remember, any individual can be prosecuted under the penal code, as well as the Communications and Multimedia Act 1998.

Much effort has been taken to address this problem.

These even involve artificial intelligence (AI) technology such as the Sebenarnya.my chatbot, which helps users verify the authenticity of facts.

Various campaigns have also been carried out throughout the years.

Among them, through the "Speak Kindly" campaign initiative by the Ministry of National Unity (KPN). This is a campaign that encourages every individual to communicate with respect, good manners, and avoid negative words, insults, or provocations that can trigger social tension.

This year, KPN chose the theme "Harmony in Diversity" and the nation-state concept as the main focus. This is an effort to maintain unity among Malaysia's multi-ethnic society.

The nation-state concept is to form a united society, respecting differences and sharing an identity as Malaysians. Therefore, let us work together to ensure this effort achieves its goal.

It needs to be emphasized that the root of all issues begins with ourselves. We ourselves need to have awareness. That is why humans are endowed with reason to discern between good and bad.

In this blessed month of Ramadan, we should introspect. Increase good deeds, instead of bad.

Remember, unity is not just about living together, but also about living in harmony, mutual understanding, and respect.

That concludes Editor's Pick prepared by RTM's Jalaluddin Baharin and translated by Karmila Badri.