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Troll: The Need for Regulation or Self-Awareness?

Illustration photo/ RTM

The post industrial and the post-globalisation era has challenged our minds and caused a surge in online trolls that pose a new threat in the effort to curb hate speech in Malaysia.

Online trolls that go beyond hate speech will affect the harmony in our nation. The question is, does it ever cross our minds, what will happen if trolling continues unabated?

Trolling is defined as online incitement. This definition refers to individuals or groups of people who deliberately incite online provocations and controversies.

They utilise platforms like Facebook, Instagram, X, and Tiktok to spread their inflammatory messages related to racism, religion, and politics, which incurs more hate in the people.

The rise of online incitement is influenced by many factors including political dissatisfaction, racism and religious differences. Some individuals engage in online instigation for mere amusement. They feel powerful and influential from eliciting anger and sadness from others.

Online trolls often serve as political propaganda tools to spread false and partially true information to tarnish the image of specific parties or individuals. Online trolls exploit sensitive issues like race and religion to incite tension and cause conflict. This can easily create disputes as Malaysia is a country with diverse culture, race and religion.

Following this scenario, online hate speech becomes more and more common, making it difficult to contain.

This situation, if left unchecked, could become a recurring daily problem. The consequences of hate speech extends far, affecting the nation as a whole.

The impact of online incitement on its victims is profound, affecting various aspects of their lives. Victims of trolling often suffer from mental health problems like emotional stress and depression.

Therefore, hate speech and personal attacks can deeply affect the mental well-being of society as a whole. Moreover, online incitement can create chaos in the nation and subsequently affect the economy, social harmony and national stability.

The effect of hate speech is varied and can erode social trust, instigate violence and marginalised groups that are already affected. Statistics from Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) in 2022 reveal a staggering 1,700 complaints related to hate speech involving racism, religion and the Royal institutions.

This highlights the seriousness of the issue and its potential for real-world harm. Due to this, I as a communication student from the MC242 program, Bachelor of Mass Communication (Hons) Public Relations, Faculty of Communication and Media Studies, UiTM Shah Alam have taken the initiative to hold a program to raise awareness about hate speech.

The program "SeeMeThru: Tegur Jangan Sampai Menyindir" involves students from SMK Khir Johari, Sungai Petani. This program emphasises the importance of handling hate speech and its effect on the future.

The main goal of the "SeeMeThru: Tegur Jangan Sampai Menyindir" is to educate students on identifying and preventing hate speech thus encouraging them to communicate in a kind and respectful manner.

Other than that, this program is also seen as a proactive approach to educate students about hate speech, emphasising the importance of early intervention.

In conclusion, efforts to prevent online incitement and hate speech in Malaysia presents a significant challenge, especially in the rapid advancement of the digital era.

Although technology brings a lot of benefits, it can also be misused. Therefore, continuous effort from all parties, including the government, social media platforms and society are crucial to ensure a safer and harmonious online space.

Through strong collaboration, we can mitigate the negative impacts of online incitement and foster a better and more civilised communication culture.

Nur Marlissa Indah
UiTM Shah Alam

This article is translated from the original Malay article. It is the personal view of the writer and does not represent RTM's official view or stand.
