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Death prevention: Assessing health risk before exercising

Illustration photo/Bernama

Recently the sports world was shaken with the passing of a young badminton athlete from China during an international tournament.

This incident, although not the first time it has happened in the sports world, brings the question of does active participation in sports carry potential risk to those engaged in it?

It is common knowledge that playing sports has many advantages whether it be for physical or mental health. Sports participation can reduce the risk of diseases like hypertension, diabetes, heart disease and alleviate stress levels of an individual.

The potential health risks for those who are active in sports also exists. These include heart attacks and asthma attacks due to exercising and sports-related injuries.

Nevertheless, these potential health risks can be reduced by taking preventative measures such as undergoing health and fitness assessment before delving into any sport.

Individuals with no prior health problems can do self assessment by using tools like ‘Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire’ (PAR-Q).

This questionnaire aims to assess an individual's readiness for physical activity like doing sports and identifying other potential health risks they may have.

The result of this self assessment can provide a guide whether the individual can participate in sports or require further medical evaluation. Other than that, for those who are new to sports, selecting an appropriate sport is crucial to prevent undesirable events.

Factors to consider in choosing sports are one’s current fitness level and the skills required for the said sport. If one has a low fitness level, it will be risky to participate in high-intensity sports like badminton, football or futsal.

It is advisable for individuals with low fitness levels to opt for low-intensity sports such as walking and cycling first. Additionally, warming-up sessions are crucial to loosen the body and prevent muscle cramps.

A thorough warm up session for at least 10 minutes is advised. The body will become dehydrated due to significant fluid loss during exercising. The amount of sweat is also influenced by environmental factors. Due to this, for beginners it is advisable to avoid exercising in a hot environment.

If exercising in a hot condition is unavoidable, ensure adequate water intake before, during and after the activity. For low-intensity and moderate-intensity exercise, drinking plain water is sufficient for rehydration.

For those who want to do high-intensity sports and induce significant sweating, electrolyte beverages like isotonic drinks are recommended. This is to maintain optimal bodily functions.

Most importantly, the public need to be aware of the early symptoms of a heart attack like rapid heart rate during low-intensity exercise, chest pain, difficulties in breathing, fainting and excessive sweating.

If these symptoms arise during exercising, it is encouraged to cease the activity and seek immediate medical attention. Even though there are potential health risks when participating in sports, the overall health benefits far outweigh the risks.

Evidence show that exercising can reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, stroke, osteoporosis, diabetes and obesity.

The recent incident of a heart attack during sports should not deter the society to be afraid of engaging in sports activity. Instead, it should serve as a reminder to raise awareness in prioritising health and practicing safe exercise.

AUTHOR DR AZHAR YAACOB, Senior Lecturer (Sports Studies) Faculty of Education Studies, Universiti Putra Malaysia. Can be contacted via e-mail Alamat emel ini dilindungi dari Spambot. Anda perlu hidupkan JavaScript untuk melihatnya..

This article is translated from the original Malay article. It is the author's personal view and does not necessarily represent the official view or position of RTM.
