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Responsible journalism, in line with establishment of Malaysian Media Council

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KUALA LUMPUR, March 3- Responsible journalism plays an important role in ensuring the truth is preserved and trust is fostered, as well as ensuring the public receives accurate information.

Malaysian Press Institute (MPI) president, Datuk Yong Soo Heong, in a statement said trust and integrity are the main foundations.

"Without trust, the credibility of the media is compromised, and people are less likely to believe or engage with the information presented," he said.

"Integrity is equally crucial, as journalists with integrity are committed to reporting the truth, even when it is difficult or unpopular," he said in the statement.

Media practitioners also have a role in avoiding conflicts of interest, resisting external pressure, and striving to provide balanced and unbiased reporting.

"In addition, journalists also act as guardians of the truth by filtering correct information, verifying sources, and ensuring the accuracy of reporting," he added.

Yong also hoped the soon-to-be established Malaysian Media Council can make the country's media landscape more trustworthy and have integrity, as well as make journalists responsible in reporting.