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Promoting Art and Culture Programme, a platform to unite people in Sabah

Assistant Minister to the Chief Minister Datuk Nizam Abu Bakar Titingan attended a programme to promote art and culture took place at Dewan terbuka KK Hamid Hassan Tg Batu Laut last Sunday/ FB Photo Datuk Nizam

TAWAU, August 27- Promoting Art and Culture Programme organised in Dataran Pentas Tanjung Batu Laut, serves as an important platform for uniting the multiracial communities in Sabah.

Assistant Minister to the Chief Minister Datuk Nizam Abu Bakar Titingan said that this initiative was seen as a step towards strengthening the tradition and culture through active involvement by the young generation.

He said, the positive response from the local community clearly shows their appreciation for the art and cultural heritage.

"The attendance tonight reflects a deep love for arts and culture, despite the different ethnic backgrounds. This proves the unity and togetherness of the people here," he said when met by the media after officiating the program on Sunday.

The chairman of the organizer, Datuk Abdul Muis Picho, also expressed his hope that this program could further strengthen relations as well as nurture respect for the customs and cultures of the various races in the state.

"Closer friendships can be forged through culture. As I mentioned before, culture has the potential to unite our diverse ethnic communities," he said.

The event was also enlivened with various cultural dance performances from the Bugis, Toraja, Dayak Kenyah, and Arabs communities.
