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Plastic bag ban, PBT implements more aggressive enforcement

Negeri Sembilan Local Government Development, Housing and Transport Committee chairman, Arul Kumar was met by the reporter after inspecting the compliance of the ban for single-use plastic bags at a supermarket here on Tuesday.

SEREMBAN, August 21 - Local authorities (PBT) in Negeri Sembilan have been asked to implement more aggressive enforcement to business licence holders regarding the ban of single-use plastic bags, polystyrene and drinking straws.

Negeri Sembilan Local Government Development, Housing and Transport Committee chairman Arul Kumar said this (enforcement) follows after the long duration, for the awareness campaign which had began since October 5, 2022, to be adequate.

According to him, the action includes issuing a compound immediately to the party who violates the terms of the license and the cancellation of the business license by the local authority.

“This enforcement includes hawkers and night market traders. The ban on single-use plastic bags was issued a long time ago, and each PBT was instructed to conduct a campaign and include this ban in the business licence conditions.

"They can only supply biodegradable and easily decomposed plastic bags or cloth, paper or net type of bags, and no charge can be imposed on customers for the provision of these plastic bags, if charged, users can file a complaint to PBT for further action," he said.

Arul Kumar said this to the reporter after inspecting the compliance of the ban for single-use plastic bags at a supermarket here on Tuesday.

Arul Kumar said a total of 1,152 reminder notices have been issued throughout the state, while 14 compounds were issued by Seremban City Council (MBS) from the period of June until July throughout its enforcement since 2022.

The effective date of the ban on single-use plastic bags, polystyrene and drinking straws on request in every PBT throughout Negeri Sembilan was implemented on May 1, 2023 and MBS on April 1, 2022.
