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Overcome Antisocial Behavior of children in Nurseries and Kindergartens

Illustration photo/RTM

A few kindergarten and creche operators have recently expressed grave concerns about the disruptive behaviour of the children attending their facilities; on average, the children are starting to exhibit odd alterations. However, if this problem is not handled right away, it may aggravate the youngster and hinder their development.

Children in nurseries and kindergartens are especially prone to displaying behaviors such as poor social skills and a selfish mindset. They are also not adept at upholding social behaviour and do not like to share games or equipment with peers.

If they want to be angry, they will throw, beat, and bite without feeling empathy towards anyone. This attitude makes them fight with other friends and sometimes act differently since a young age. They have also been observed as lacking patience if children behave or play differently.

The owners of nurseries and kindergartens raised this issue; while it may seem unimportant, if it isn't addressed early on, it could have an impact on future generations that might have unexpected consequences.

It has also been noted that children in orphanages struggle to take care of themselves, even when it comes to basic needs like eating, dressing, and using the restroom. Some children, who are five or six years old, continue to use disposable diapers.

These kids were also seen to be falling behind in their fine motor skills, most likely as a result of spending too much time on electronics. Additionally, it has been noted that kids struggle to pay attention in class and comprehend instructions. A few of them even have speech delays since they spend more time using technology at home than interacting with their siblings.

Some of these kids may only be called by nicknames like "brother," "baby," "sister," or "brother" at home, which prevents them from reacting when their names are called. They have never experienced actual name-calling, therefore. In addition, kindergarten and nursery staff expressed dissatisfaction with the children's lack of awareness of directions.

Additionally, they lack self-awareness and show little empathy for their friends. If they bumped or kicked a friend's possessions, they laugh it off and move on without feeling bad. They don't know what to do or how to apologize.

Teachers are beaten and thrown when they are upset, and their behaviour lacks understanding and empathy for friends, and they frequently act out of control. They also play more aggressively.

This is most likely due to the effect of what they see on social media, and exposure to such symptoms causes them to respond violently without realizing it is against the rules.

There are also children who act like grownups. This mimicry is most likely influenced by their familial environment or their daily viewing habits. Some arrived early in the morning, crying and criticizing the teacher with improper language.

They also hit and throw whatever they are holding without any regard for others. They happily told their nursery and kindergarten nannies that when they grow up, they want to use vapes and cigarettes like their father did.

All of this is extremely upsetting for the babysitters in nursery and kindergarten since these children are not only difficult to shape and punish, but if they are reprimanded, their parents will undoubtedly return to school and scold the babysitters.

Parents should take this seriously because they are the children first teachers, given how irritated the babysitters in nursery and kindergarten are by this unruly behaviour. Children are white cloth that must be patterned with various colours so that the child grows up.

Parents should not leave their children totally in the care of babysitters in nursery and kindergarten because youngsters spend more time with their families than in day care centres. Kindergartens and nurseries are just locations to help parents enhance their parenting skills and shape their children personalities.

Parents should support Kindergarten and Nursery's attempts to shape their children development. If carers offer advice and assistance to their children, parents should embrace it with an open heart and work together with the childcare center to raise a civilized and educated future.

To raise a noble and civilized generation, education must be a collaborative effort rather than solely the responsibility of daycare centres. Despite the fact that the problems of this generation are becoming more difficult, kindergarten teachers and operators should continue to educate and build a civilized and educated generation.

Continued support for childcare centres like nursery and kindergarten is crucial for instilling strong moral values in youngsters and being a jewel that that will lead the country in the future.

AUTHOR DR ABD RAZAK ZAKARIA Chairman, Universiti Malaya Family Research and Development Center (UMFRDC). Can be contacted via email Alamat emel ini dilindungi dari Spambot. Anda perlu hidupkan JavaScript untuk melihatnya..

This article is translated from the original Malay article. It is the author's personal view and does not necessarily represent the official view or position of RTM.
