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Cyberbullying can kill! Stay calm when facing bullying

Illustration photo/RTM

Known as a multicultural and harmonious country, Malaysia is rich with multifaceted manners, customs and cultures. However, bullying culture within the community still exists in today’s society.

Bullying culture does not only occur in educational institutions, the workplace or within family members. It can also happen in the virtual world.

Bullying victims nowadays are not only faced with physical injuries but mentally and emotional harassment. This is a concerning as bullies nowadays use the tongue as well as their hand to speak.

Often portrayed in the mass media and the traditional media, some victims experienced bullying that caused serious injuries or even loss of life.

Undoubtedly, bullying victims are faced with emotional distress due to the mocking and negative words thrown in their ways.

Cyber bullies nowadays are using their fingers as their tongue to make speeches online. The tongue is a gift granted by Allah to mankind where its characteristics are tender, boneless but as sharp as a sword that could kill and hurt those who heard it.

Hadith narrated in al-Tirmizi, that the Messenger of Allah was asked about that for which people are admitted into Paradise the most, so he said: ‘Taqwa of Allah, and good character’ and he was asked about that for which people are admitted into the Fire the most, and he said: ‘the mouth and the private parts’.

Allah revealed in al-Hujurat, verse 11 where in this verse Allah warns both men and women about the prohibition of mocking, ridiculing, insulting and calling others with bad nicknames.

It is clear that we cannot ridicule others, utter bad words and give bad nicknames to others whether in their presence or behind their backs. This is because at the end of verse 11 in al-Hujurat, believers are brothers and sisters and should not sever the bonds between each other.

The act of insulting and ridiculing by cyber bullies is prohibited not only in Islam but also in other religions, where harming others is forbidden.

A religious scholar once said, “I am not afraid of the keyboard warriors, but I am afraid of the keyboard sinners.” To all keyboard warriors out there, which one will you choose? A smart decision is needed because every choice will be questioned later.

Cyber bullies may or may not be aware that their act has consequences on their victims. Bullying victims will face emotional breakdown that is related to psychology, trauma and more.

The following 3R concepts can be applied by victims to ensure that they stay calm and aware of their emotions.

Retract, which is retreating from what we are doing. For example, in the situation where the victim is being cyber bullied, take a step back to give time for oneself to calm down and compose themselves.

Retreat means take a few minutes to calm down mentally and emotionally by practising the correct breathing technique. This technique can be done by inhaling, holding, exhaling and holding their breath with each stage lasting for four seconds.

Correct breathing techniques will provide relief to the body and mind, helping us to stay focused.

Rethink, is when we reassess whether those words and opinions will affect us. It is crucial to recognize that nothing will impact you unless you allow them to.

For example, if you were mocked or ridiculed, it is encouraged to take time to calm down and your mind will be clearer and rational. You will understand that bullies reflect their own insecurities upon others. Hence, it is okay to take more time to relax and think rationally.

Response, is when we give an appropriate and positive reaction according to the situation. At the very least, we can avoid overreacting negatively. It is acceptable and valid to feel angry or sad. Acknowledging the emotion and then rising from it will make us more resilient in facing more challenging problems.

Let this be a reminder to all: be careful with the words you utter. Do not let your tongue lead to your downfall, nor let it cause pain to others. Think before you speak or act. Let us not normalise bullying in today's society, for our actions will shape the future generations.

As a community, we should be vigilant and be aware of our surroundings. There may be victims of bullying among our family members, neighbours or closest friends. Offer assistance, report to the authorities, or help them to seek professional help to ensure their well-being physically, emotionally and mentally. Do not remain silent; you, the victim deserve justice.

AUTHOR ASSOCIATE PROF DR. AZMAWATY, Deputy Dean, Faculty of Education, and member of the Board of Malaysian Counsellors, and NUR NADHIRAH, Trainee Counsellor, Faculty of Education, University of Malaya.

This article is translated from the original Malay article. It is the author's personal view and does not necessarily represent the official view or position of RTM.
