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Keningau-Kimanis road to reopen this Friday

The Keningau-Kimanis road at kilometers 11.2 and 14.3 is expected to reopen to users within three days/ photo by Iswadiman Sham

KENINGAU, March 18– The Keningau-Kimanis road at kilometers 11.2 and 14.3, which was completely closed due to landslides on March 4th and 8th respectively, is expected to reopen to users within three days.

Sabah Minister of Works, Datuk Ir. Shahelmey Yahya said that road cleaning and slope repair works at these locations are now almost complete.

According to him however, the route will be opened subject to current weather conditions.

"I am satisfied with the work performance carried out by the contractor in ensuring that this road can safely be opened to users," he said when met after inspecting the road cleaning and slope repair works on the Kimanis-Keningau road today.

He also informed that road barriers will be installed to ensure safety aspects on the route are guaranteed before it is opened to users.

In addition, a temporary road that has been completed at kilometer 14, is now open to users, which is however only suitable for light vehicles.

For the record, the Keningau-Kimanis road at kilometer 11.2 has been completely closed since March 8th.

Meanwhile, the route at kilometer 14.3 has been closed since March 4th after a landslide made the road impassable for all types of vehicles.