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JPJ Terengganu issued almost 1,200 summons notices

Mohd Zamri Sambon

DUNGUN, August 26- 1,197 notices were issued against commercial vehicles carrying excess loads and various other technical offenses in the Op Khas in Terengganu.

The operation, which started on August 1, was carried out to ensure that drivers and operators of commercial vehicles comply with the rules in accordance with the Road Transport Act (APJ) 1987 (Act 333).

Director of the Terengganu Road Transport Department (JPJ) Mohd Zamri Sambon said that among the offenses detected was the absence of a goods vehicle driving license (GDL) as well as various other technical offenses including dark mirrors.

"We hope that with this continuous ops we can ensure that the operators can ensure that they appoint drivers who meet the capacity involving CDL and GDL.

"However, we have to acknowledge that there are some entrepreneurs who hire foreign drivers to transport these commercial vehicles.

"It increases the risk on the road because not only are they not committed but they actually don't even have a driver's license. So in that context, our operators will take action and the vehicle will be confiscated," he told reporters here.

In the operation, more than 5,100 goods vehicles were involved while 672 were public service vehicles.

Of that number, 586 vehicles were subject to action.

However, five of the merchandise vehicles were confiscated while the rest were public vehicles.

Earlier, he monitored the Op Khas for commercial vehicle with enforcement agencies and highway concessions at the state level in Bukit Besi, here.

Consistent and focused enforcement will continue to be implemented in the future to ensure that drivers and operators of commercial vehicles comply with regulations and laws in addition to ensuring vehicles are safe to use on the road.
