KOTA BHARU, December 17-Three cases of dengue fever deaths have been reported in Kelantan in 2024.
Kelantan State Health Department (JKNK) Director Datuk Dr Zaini Hussin said the number of dengue fever cases this year increased by 22.1 percent or 3,337 cases as of December 14 compared to the same period last year, which was 2,733 cases.
According to him, the dengue outbreak reported during that period was 205 outbreaks, compared to 213 outbreaks in the same period last year.
Of that number, 200 outbreaks have ended while five are still active.
This year, nine hotspot outbreak locations occurred in Kelantan, which lasted more than 30 days.
Therefore, JKNK is carrying out control and prevention activities for all reported dengue cases and outbreaks to break the chain of infection.
Among the vector control activities carried out are premises inspections, fog spraying, elimination of breeding grounds and health education.
Datuk Dr Zaini in his media statement said that as of December 14, 452,784 premises had been inspected for Aedes breeding grounds and 2,212 compounds worth RM1.1 million had been issued to premises owners who were found to have Aedes breeding in their premises.
The action was taken under the Destruction of Insect-Borne Diseases Act (APSPP) 1975 [Act 154].