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Agrobazaar: Vital hub for rural communities to get essential goods

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PADANG BESAR, August 16 - Agrobazaar Rakyat Borong Wann, one of the 25 retail outlet under the Federal Agricultural Marketing Authority (FAMA) Perlis has become a vital hub for consumers in the Felcra Lubuk Sireh area and its surrounding regions to obtain various daily necessities.

As a one stop centre for a wide range of products, over 40,000 consumers visited the Agrobazaar last year.

According to the Manager of Agrobazaar Rakyat Borong Wann, Wan Mohd Shafizan Wan Nan, the supermarket has also pioneered cashless payments with transaction value ranging from RM35,000 to RM40,000 monthly, amounting to RM450,000 throughout last year.

“Various products are offered to consumers, including products from Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), household goods, petrol, cooking gas, hardware, a postal service for the harum manis, printing services, the MyKasih programme, and more, all of which contribute to customer satisfaction,” said Shafizan.

He shared this during the Jualan Ayam Murah Campaign at Agrobazaar Rakyat Borong Wann, Titi Tinggi, here.

Through MyKasih, over 20,000 types of goods are available for purchase by registered MyKasih recipients, making it easier for them to obtain daily necessities at a single supermarket.

The Jualan Ayam Murah Campaign has been running daily since November 25, 2023, and continues to this day, with 300 fresh chickens offered daily to consumers at an average price of below RM9.50 per kilogramme. Since the programme was implemented, over 35,000 chickens have been sold.

In addition to the Jualan Ayam Murah, other programmes such as the Agro Madani Sale are also held regularly.
