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COLUMNIST: Malaysia's potential as the pivot of Asia, unleashing the power of civilisational diplomacy

(Bernama photo)

By Yusmadi Yusoff

Malaysia, in its vibrant multicultural vibrancy, stands at a unique crossroads both geographically and culturally. Home to a myriad of civilizations coexisting in harmony, Malaysia has the potential to leverage this cultural richness and diversity to establish itself as the Pivot of Asia through the adoption of civilisational diplomacy. This strategic positioning is further bolstered under the leadership of Dato' Seri Anwar Ibrahim, a globally respected thought leader who commands trust across East and West, and among Muslim and non-Muslim worlds alike.

Civilisational diplomacy is a type of diplomacy that transcends beyond the traditional realms of political and economic negotiations between states. It seeks to establish dialogue and foster understanding among different civilizations, acknowledging and respecting their diversity to cultivate peace and mutual cooperation in our increasingly globalized world.

Malaysia, with its rich tapestry of Malay, Chinese, Indian, and various indigenous cultures, is a living testament to the confluence of civilizations. Positioned at this intersection, Malaysia can serve as a bridge, mediating dialogues between the East and West, as well as among the Muslim, Chinese, Indian, and European spheres.

(Bernama Photo)

Under the stewardship of Dato' Seri Anwar Ibrahim, Malaysia has a strategic advantage. Known for his principles and vision, he is widely recognized and respected in global circles. His ability to navigate complex cultural and political landscapes, build relationships, and foster dialogue gives Malaysia a leading edge in realizing its potential as the Pivot of Asia.

Through civilisational diplomacy, Malaysia has the opportunity to strengthen its foreign relations, opening new avenues of dialogue and cooperation with other nations. This promotes mutual respect and understanding, creating a favourable environment for economic cooperation. As the Pivot of Asia, Malaysia could then attract investments and technological innovation from a variety of markets, driving prosperity for itself and its trade partners.

In terms of security, civilisational diplomacy can contribute significantly towards regional stability. By fostering dialogue and promoting peaceful conflict resolution, Malaysia can play an increasingly significant role in ensuring regional and global security.

Culturally, the adoption of civilisational diplomacy would further enhance the already vibrant multicultural tapestry within Malaysia, promoting an even richer exchange of traditions and ideas. This cultural prominence would enhance Malaysia's soft power on a global stage, enabling it to exert greater influence in international forums.

By embracing civilisational diplomacy, Malaysia is well poised to realize its potential as the Pivot of Asia. The nation can lead conversations that foster mutual understanding, cooperation, and peace among civilizations. Such an approach not only provides strategic benefits but also resonates with Malaysia's enduring commitment to a more inclusive and respectful global community.

As the world navigates the complexities of the 21st century, nations that can mediate between cultures, facilitate dialogue, and promote mutual understanding will undoubtedly be at the forefront. With the power of civilisational diplomacy and under the capable leadership of Dato' Seri Anwar Ibrahim, Malaysia is ready to assert its role as the Pivot of Asia, turning its rich potential into a global reality.

AUTHOR YUSMADI YUSOFF, a lawyer and former Member of Dewan Negara and Dewan Rakyat, Parliament of Malaysia.

This article is the author's personal view and does not necessarily represent the official view of RTM.

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