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Johor issues comprehensive guidelines for school sports activities to ensure students’ health

Menteri Besar of Johor, Datuk Onn Hafiz inspected the condition of the plunge pool at the MBJB Aquatic Center last Sunday

JOHOR BAHRU, August 1 -Johor State Education Department (JPNJ) issued a comprehensive guidelines to safeguard the health and well-being of students during school sports activities in the state.

Education and Information Exco, Aznan Tamin said that through this guideline, all parties involved must adhere to the measures stipulated throughout the activity to prevent any unwanted incidents.

The measures include ensuring teachers conduct health screenings and complete a health declaration form provided by the organisers.

Additionally to evaluate the safety and health risks, pre-event site visits must be conducted and the necessary safety certifications must be obtained from the relevant authorities of agencies.

Students must also be informed about the safety measures and teachers must monitor the students health for a month after the sports activities. 

These guidelines are being implemented to create a safer environment for all participants for future events.

Earlier, the result of the water sample taken from the Johor Bahru City Council (MBJB) Aquatic Center, Arena Larkin, Johor Bahru, Johor was sent to the Chemistry Department last Sunday, and was confirmed to be contaminated with e-coli bacteria, yesterday.

Yesterday, Chemistry Department confirmed that the water in the swimming pool and diving pool at the Johor Bahru City Council Aquatic Centre (MBJB) Larkin Arena contains e-coli bacteria.

19 out of 900 participants who took part in the Johor School Sports Council (MSSJ) Aquatic Championship 2024 were rushed to the hospital after experiencing symptoms such as vomiting, fever and itchy skin, believed to be caused by the contaminated pool water on July 25th.
