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Families of Autistic Children, The Community should be Empathetic & channel of Support


The tragic death of Zayn Rayyan's younger brother, a 6-year-old autistic child, has shocked the entire nation and sparked widespread awareness of the challenges faced by families with autistic children.

Since December last year, this case has been widely covered on social media, with various speculations and reactions from the community. This event highlights the urgent need to increase understanding and empathy for families caring for children with autism disorders.

As lecturers and researchers in the field of autistic children develop, society needs to be more sensitive and responsive in providing support.

Empathy is not just about feeling sadness, but also involves concrete actions such as providing better support services, educating people about autism, and creating an inclusive environment.

We want to offer in-depth reflection about how a community can play an important role in helping to improve the quality of a families life with autistic children.

Through education, awareness, and support, we get to build a community that is more loving and inclusive for those affected with autism.

Therefore, it is unfair to make assumptions that parents or carers of autistic children are negligent or irresponsible in carrying out their role. Society should realize that every action and decision taken by a caregiver is the result of careful consideration and deep love.

Second, society needs to be more sensitive and understand the characteristics and specific needs of autistic children. These children may have high sensitivity to stimuli such as noise, bright light, new situations, or crowded environments, which can cause them to feel stressed or anxious.

They also have interests and different tendencies from children, including the importance of using tools and certain objects in studies or daily activities.

Therefore, we need to create a more conducive and inclusive atmosphere as well as understand their behavior that is possible to be different from the norm. This includes preparing a space that is safe and peaceful , with suitable aids to help them overcome daily obstacles.

Education programs and awareness campaigns need to be carried out widely to instill a deep understanding of autism, including its unique characteristics and how best to support these children.

This will not only help create a more welcoming and supportive environment, but also reduce the stigma and misunderstandings often associated with autism.

Authorities also need to ensure that adequate programs and facilities are provided to help autistic children and their families, including psychological support, therapy, and special education tailored to individual needs.

Fourthly, use of social media needs to be done carefully and responsibly. In this digital era, information spreads easily and fast, however we should not make any speculation or comments without ever knowing the all the facts.

On the other hand, we need to show empathy and support to the families involved, as they are experiencing challenging emotional upheaval. Ethical issues and sensitivity should come first, and we should be careful not to hurt any party with our words or actions.

Social media can be used as a platform to spread positive awareness about autism, share experiences and support strategies, and build a supportive community.

Finally, this tragic case should be the trigger for increased awareness and empathy in our society towards autistic children and their unique needs. We need to unite in creating a more friendly and supportive environment for them, and ensure that such cases do not happen again in the future.

Autism is not something to be ashamed of, but something to be proud of and support fully. By understanding and accepting this diversity, we can create a more inclusive and harmonious society.

Besides that, we need to make sure that every decision taken is aligning with the principles of human rights, giving respect and dignity to all individuals regardless of their circumstances.

An inclusive society is one that values every individual and provides equal opportunities for all, without discrimination or prejudice.

AUTHOR DR. MUHAMAD HAFIZ BIN HASSAN, Lecturer in the College of Creative Arts Studies, Universiti Teknologi MARA Sarawak Branch and DR MOHD YUSOF ZULKEFLI, Lecturer in the Faculty of Communication and Media Studies, Universiti Teknologi MARA.

This article is translated from the original Malay article. It is the author's personal view and does not necessarily represent the official view or position of RTM.
