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Equip Gen Z and Alpha with the spiritual fortitude to face reality

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Our current generation thrives in a new technological era. Gen Z, born from 1996 onward, grew up among rapid technological advancements, while Gen Alpha, born between 2011 and 2026, represents the first generation of the 21st century, expected to be the most tech-savvy demographic to date.

For the younger generation, social media is everything. Their education will be more digital, visual and less black and white. Furthermore, with the challenges of automation, there is a need to develop more skills to succeed in a ever changing market.

The question is, apart from skills, what other aspects need to be improved by our generation? Studies show that the challenge faced by Gen Z is in developing strong morals. This is because in today's world of advanced technology, freedom of speech, freedom of expression and cultural chaos has lead to the loss of traditional values, manners and social ethics.

According to Syed Naquib Al-Attas, education should produce a civilized people. An educated society is characterized with good manners. As skyscrapers rise and technology advances , we must ensure that manners remain fundamental. Neglecting them could lead to repercussions akin to a boomerang coming back to harm us.

It's strange we prioritize physical prowess and outward skills while neglecting our inner selves. As the world grows increasingly challenging, people need to be equipped with strong, steadfast values. Intelligence alone is is not enough. Self-identity must be deeply rooted in oneself. Today's varied entertainment options corrupts our generation. Whether we like it or not, we must accept this reality. Making poor entertainment choices can lead them into a detrimental environment.

We don't want our generation to no longer be good at getting along with other people. We also do not want them to be associated with very poor manners. We definitely don't want them to be influenced by all the degenerate content on social media. What they encounter daily on social media will deeply impacts their subconscious. Those without religious education may perceive virtual realities as the norm in reality. Yet, the actual world is different from the virtual one.

Therefore, it is important for us as educators and parents to instill faith and guide them in morals, manners, and ethics.They need to have a community that supports them and a cultivate a culture of advising each other. Therefore, there needs to be an initiative to apply faith and moral education to educate the new generation to balance the physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual side of life.

Allah SWT said in Surah Al-Qasas, verse 77 (which means): "And seek (reward) the Hereafter with what Allah has bestowed upon you, but do not forget your part in this world and do good (to others) as Allah has do good to you, and do not do mischief on earth. Truly, Allah does not like those who do mischief,".

In this verse, Allah SWT commands us as humans to seek goodness in the first land of the hereafter, while goodness in this world is not forgotten. Allah commands us to be professional believers. So, that faith must be balanced with our profession. The education of faith and morals needs to be emphasized in order to create this balance. Pursuing one will create an imbalance and its ill effects will be seen everywhere.

Without the application of faith and moral education, we risk fostering robotic humans. It must be remembered, Generation Z and Alpha are also human. They have a soul in which the spiritual side needs to be maintained. The imbalance of that element will make their spiritual aspect fragile. If the relationship with the creator is not emphasized, it will show its effects in the relationship between humans and their relationship with nature.

Let's look at the example of the Kahfi youth, who remained faithful even though evil and disobedience were everywhere. Strong identity and faith become a shield for them to face the challenges of faith in their time. The word of Allah SWT which means: "We tell you (Muhammad) this story truthfully.

Indeed, they are youths who believe in their Lord, and We have added guidance for them" (Surah Al-Kahfi: 13).

Therefore, it is important to prioritize fostering faith in today's youth development. The value of faith and morals will enrich the soul of our generation. As it was narrated from Abu Hurairah, may God bless him and grant him peace, he said, the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, said (which means): Wealth is not in the abundance of wealth, but wealth (which is actually) the wealth of the soul" (HR Ahmad and Tirmidhi).

When we also emphasize the aspects of faith and morals, faith becomes their shield in facing any challenge. Their identity will be strong and will not fade easily because of the bright color of ignorance. Therefore, it is crucial for our country's National Education Philosophy (FPK) to maintain a balance.

THE AUTHOR, DR ATIFAH AHMAD YUSOFF is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Islamic Faith and Thought, Academy of Islamic Studies, University of Malaya, and can be contacted at Alamat emel ini dilindungi dari Spambot. Anda perlu hidupkan JavaScript untuk melihatnya.

This article is translated from the original Malay article. It is the author's personal view and does not necessarily represent the view or official position of RTM.
