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Dealing with narcissistic boss at the workplace

Illustration photo/RTM

Encountering diverse characters is something we face especially in the workplace. One of the traits that can be found commonly and often bring unique challenges in the workplace is narcissism.

What is narcissism?

According to Gerald Corey in a book often used as a textbook for a counselling course titled “Theory and Practice of Group Counselling”, narcissism are individuals with an inflated sense of self-importance, a deep need for admiration and lack empathy for others.

Individuals with narcissistic traits often pay great attention to themselves and seek attention and validation from their surroundings.

Although narcissism is often associated with a person who has high confidence and motivation, it has its advantages and disadvantages.

From the positive aspect, narcissistic individuals are charismatic and possess certain charms. This makes them a great candidate for a leadership role. They are also active in social networking.

Narcissistic individuals have high confidence in their abilities thus convincing them that they are able to achieve any goals.

To understand narcissism better, there are a few characters from a movie that portrays narcissism. For example, Gordon Gekko in Wall Street or Miranda Priestly in The Devil Wears Prada. Both characters exhibit typical narcissistic traits that show how these individuals can affect the mental and physical well-being of those around them.

However, there are also downsides to narcissism that cannot be ignored. The consistent effort to gain validation will lead these individuals to become manipulative including exploiting others for their own agenda.

Other than that, their lack of empathy creates a toxic workplace environment causing colleagues to feel underappreciated and marginalised. Their attitude will worsen if they were given roles like a leader or a supervisor in the workplace.

What should be done in this situation?

Once you realise that your boss or supervisor exhibit narcissistic traits, it is important to remind yourself about your self worth and the hard work that you have done as a narcissistic boss will try to lower your confidence and self esteem.

Expanding your work experience can aid in gaining new perspective and support to deal with a narcissistic boss. Try finding the opportunity to work with other bosses in the workplace.

Working with different bosses or supervisors offers a lot of experience and reference for your future job prospects, thus lessening the dependence on interaction with your narcissistic boss.

Furthermore, establishing a limit or clear boundaries is also important to ensure your mental well-being in the ever so challenging workplace environment. Ensure a communication that is short, informative and friendly yet stern.

Avoid getting involved in emotional communication as it will worsen the situation. Setting the boundaries will protect your mental health while still fulfilling your professional responsibilities.

Spend some time outside of your work to do activities that bring joy and satisfaction as this will help to maintain one’s mental health.

Hobbies like exercising or spending time with loved ones can help to maintain good balance and restore the much needed self worth while also reducing the negative effects from the narcissistic boss’s behaviour.

Expanding your social network outside of the work environment can expose you to additional support sources. Build a relationship with mentors, colleagues and professional organisations.

These additional relationships will help to provide an alternate perspective and support system, thus helping you to manage challenges at the workplace.

Do not hesitate to seek help from a therapist and registered counsellor once you feel like your mental and emotional well-being is affected by your boss’s behaviour.

They can offer strategies and suitable techniques to manage the stress and maintain self resilience.

Lastly, if you have tried your best but the situation keeps getting worse, maybe it is time to consider looking for other job opportunities.

Alternatively, you can share your concerns directly to the human resources department in the organisation or to your boss’s supervisor to seek help resolving the issue.

In conclusion, feeling stuck and helpless is a common reaction when facing a narcissistic boss. However, it is crucial to remember that this matter is a problem that can be solved.

Working life is a journey full of challenges including facing a difficult character. Just like any journey of life, there are a lot of twists and turns along the ways that we need to face.

Therefore, stay firm in your self-worth, establish limits or self boundaries clearly. Prioritise mental and emotional well-being to overcome the challenge that comes from the ‘monster’ with prudence.

Who knows, maybe this challenge will drive you to move forward in your career!

AUTHOR NURFILZAH EMILY MOHAMAD KHAIRUDDIN, Trainee Counselor Faculty of Education, University of Malaya.

This article is translated from the original Malay article. It is the author's personal view and does not necessarily represent the official view or position of RTM.
